Hi, we are APROBIT.
Celebrating Metis listing on APROBIT on December 29th at 5:00 PM (KRT), we are opening the “Guess MTS ATH Price” event!
■ Event Duration (KST): 28th December 2020 (Monday)
■ Event Introduction: Guess the ATH price of Metis at the listing day
① Less than x2 ② x2 ~ x4 ③ x4 ~ x6 ④ x6 ~ x8 ⑤ Over x8
■ Event Participant: APROBIT users (KYC level 2 passed)
■ Event Reward (to 200 people): Metis tokens of maximum KRW 500,000
■ Link: https://forms.gle/dZSF1J7fk3QWZHSj9
■ Conditions: Up to 200 people first-come, first-served basis guessing the right answer among ① ~ ⑤
ex) If correct answer is ②, 200th applicant will be rewarded, and 201st applicant will not.
■ Reward Announcement (KST): Please check 30th (Wednesday) announcement
■ How to participate in this event?
① Create APROBIT account
② Join Metis event (click on the link!) by choosing among ① ~ ⑤
③ Create wallet after Metis listed on APROBIT
④ Check Metis price after listed
※ APROBIT is operating this event as an agency and Metis may take related responsibilities.
■ Cautions
1. This event is opening based on KST
2. If you participate after the event application ends, you will not be eligible for participation.
3. This event can only be participated once with one account per person (except for duplicate participation).
4. It is paid to the highest point (multiple) sections and the first 200 members applying.
5. Even if you apply for the highest point segment, benefits are only paid to members within 200 first-come, first-served basis for that segment.
6. Unfair participants are automatically excluded, and the benefits provided will be immediately redeemed (request for redemption).
7. Benefits are paid based on the information submitted through a separate participation form.
8. The event may be suspended or terminated depending on our circumstances.
9. This event is for Koreans and foreigners residing in Korea.
10. This event is only available to members who agree to receive marketing and provide personal information.
11. Existing members are excluded from participation if they rejoin after withdrawal or if they withdraw before payment of benefits.
12. If the event winning amount exceeds KRW 50,000, it will be paid in the amount excluding 22% of tax and utility charges.
13. If the collection of personal information for handling tax and utility bills is not completed, it is excluded from payment.
14. Event prizes will be sent within 5 business days after the winner is announced.
15. Digital assets paid for this event are classified as other income and may affect the global income tax.
16. APROBIT personal information is kept for 5 years from the time of collection.
APROBIT will do its best to provide the safest and most stable digital asset trading environment.
Fine more on our communities!
Web : https://wemetis.com/
Platform : http://metisedu.tv/
Medium : https://metisofficial.medium.com/
Reddit : https://www.reddit.com/r/Metis_edu/
Discord : https://discord.gg/5Gufn8DTeb
Telegram : https://t.me/Official_Metis
Twitter : https://twitter.com/Official_Metis